Stay At Home Quarantine Photography Tips

Joshua got stuck in quarantine but still wanted to practice photography. Here are some tips to take photos and home and keep in the creative mindset.

So Joshua got stuck in quarantine. This means that practicing photography with subjects simply was not an option. In this video, we’ll see how Joshua managed to practice photography, and we’ll hear some tips to keep you in the creative mindset even if you are stuck at home.

If you are stuck in quarantine or working from home, that doesn’t mean your passion for photography has to stop! And now with businesses opening back up, you may find yourself at home a little bit less than you did in 2020.

Nonetheless, these tips are great for when you are stuck at home with nowhere to go and no one to photograph. Without further ado, here are seven tips to boost your creativity and keep you practicing photography at home.

Tip #1: Think Like a Hacker
We’ve said this before, but look around you! There are likely many elements in your home that you can practice photography with. And if you don’t see them, then it’s time to start thinking like a hacker. Look for spaces that you can use as backgrounds, objects that you can use to create effects, or even lighting in the home that looks unique to you.

Tip #2: Restriction = Creativity
The best creative spurts stem from moments of limitation. Crank up those problem-solving skills and realize that when restrictions are imposed on you, it could work to your benefit. You’ll be forced to work with elements you may have never thought to use before.

Tip #3: Practice Still Life
Here at the Shutter School, we’re usually giving you tips on how to shoot subjects. But, if you’re stuck at home, capturing subjects is probably out of the question. This presents a great opportunity to practice still-life photography. Get your lighting right and set up a makeshift studio. You never know what you’re capable of creating until you try!

Tip #4: But First… Let Me Take a Selfie
Don’t be shy. Flip the camera around and take some selfies! As photographers, we’re always taking good photos of others, but when you don’t have a subject it’s totally excusable to snap some pics of yourself. You can even set up a place in your house to practice self-portraits if you have equipment on hand.

Tip #5: Get Inspired
Find inspiration within yourself. Look through past work and select the best ones from your time as a photographer, or just the best picks from the year. What worked well? What can you improve on? You can also find inspiration through others’ photography. What techniques are other photographers using that you want to try? (Make sure to put your own creative spin on it).

Tip #6: Make a Plan
If you do get inspired, see if you can plan your next shoot! Make note of the things you want to try and plan them out thoroughly. Try out the storyboard method! Think about what you want your next composition to look like, draw out the plan, and get a good idea of how you will execute it.

Tip #7: Learn New Software
As a photographer, we’re always on some sort of digital device. Whether photography is your passion or your livelihood, to succeed you must always dedicate some time to learning the ropes of the digital world. In this case, Joshua started learning set.a.light 3D software to further explore his storyboard approach.

Hopefully, this post gave you plenty of ideas on what to do with photography at home, and we hope it got those gears turning!

If you try out any of these tips, we want to know! Join our community on Facebook, subscribe to our YouTube channel, and check out the blog for more photography tips like these.

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