Photography Award Portfolio Workflow

Joshua tells us how he organizes his portfolio and showcases his system for selecting award-candidate images.

In this workflow tutorial, Joshua shows us how he organizes his collections and how he chooses which images to submit to a photography award candidate pool.

The main takeaway here is organization! Having an organized place to put all of your photos before submitting them to awards can help you keep track of the photos you’ve already submitted, the photos that have already won, and the photos you’d like to submit.

Try taking time after each shoot to see which edited photos you like best, and automatically put those into an award candidate collection. Then, when it comes time to submit, you can review the photos and see which ones are truly award-worthy.

If you submit an image to one awards organization and it wins or gets an honorable mention, then you can even try submitting that same photo to another awards organization on the next round as well.

Feel free to use the tools shown in this video to help guide you through your selection process and create a system that works for you. Get out there and win some awards!

Check out the rest of the content from The Shutter School right here on the blog.

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