Lighting Tutorial — The Champagne Fight

Joshua takes us behind the scenes of a champagne fight engagement shoot! Inspired by Jason Vinson's champagne photographs, we'll learn the best way to light up a fun portrait like this one using a MagMod flash.

Bring your umbrella for today’s lighting tip, we have officially entered the splash zone!

Grab your bottle of bubbly because it’s time to celebrate! Not only for the happy couple, but for the unique and exciting photography tips we have in store today.

Let’s Get Set Up
Joshua shows us what it was like to photograph a champagne fight for a bride and groom to be while using a MagMod setup. Joshua incorporated two MagMod flashes, both with a MagSphere attached. The idea was to light up the subjects with a strong flash so Joshua set the flash to 8200.

One MagMod was behind the groom pointed at the bride, and vice versa. With both lights pointed directly at the subjects, the light behind each person acted as a rim light while still exposing the other subject’s whole face. Joshua also added a blue light on the floor to integrate some color into the shot.

Illuminate and Capture
Time to capture! In this case, you want the light going right through the water droplets before they hit the camera, illuminating them in the air. To make sure this happens effectively, the background was completely underexposed so that all of the other surrounding elements were overruled and just the subjects were in focus.

It All Comes Together
For the final product, you can see that the darkness of the background and the brightness of the flash worked perfectly to emphasize all of the main components in the photo.

Two fun tips for you:

  • You can get creative with props in a shoot! Joshua actually used sparkling water instead of champagne so that the equipment and the subjects wouldn’t get sticky. Make every shoot your own by thinking outside the box.
  • Anything that’s put up into the air will glow if it’s backlit. Smoke, water, or anything translucent will have a neat effect when properly lit.

More Inspiration
If you want to see more examples of champagne shoots like this one, visit Jason Vinson’s photography website at He was a huge inspiration for the idea behind this shoot. Not to mention, he’s ranked as one of the Top 100 Wedding Photographers in the World by Fearless Photographers.

For more creative photography ideas and useful tips, subscribe to The Shutter School YouTube channel and feel free to read through the blog.

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