Fearless Photographers Collection 57 — Photographer’s Reaction

In this post, Joshua tells us about Fearless Photographers and reacts to the winner submissions of the Fearless Awards Collection 57!

In this video, Joshua looks through photos from Fearless Awards’ Collection 57. For those who have never heard of Fearless Photographers before, you’re in luck.

A company based in Washington, Fearless Photographers strive to exhibit some of the best wedding photography globally. They act as a resource for couples to find quality photographers in their area and hold a global reputation. Visit their website here for more info.

The Fearless Awards occur every two months so that photographers from the Fearless community all over the world can showcase their best work.

Joshua reacts to some of the photos from the September 2020 Fearless Awards winner gallery, goes over what makes each photo a good composition, and also reviews what elements first catch his attention.

Whether or not you specialize in wedding photography, there are always important lessons to take away from analyzing other people’s work. Who knows, you might even become inspired to try a new thing or two in your own photography.

Tune in to the clip to see Joshua’s reactions to the gallery and learn something new. To see more posts and content from The Shutter School, visit our blog!

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