Don’t Be Afraid to Suck – Creativity Mindset Tip

Is a fear of being bad at what you do keeping you from trying new things? For this tip, Joshua talks about changing your mindset and channeling your true creativity.

A creativity mindset tip to inspire you and remind you that it’s okay not to be so great at something right when you start.

You will attempt many new things in life, whether that’s learning a new skill or picking up a new hobby, but you should note that being good at something doesn’t just come naturally most of the time. The first time you try something new, there’s a pretty low chance that you’ll be expert-level right away—unless you really have a knack for it.

Great photographers don’t get to where they are by quitting, they get to where they are by sucking at first and not giving up! The more that you persist and the longer you stick with it, the better you will get, guaranteed.

It’s normal for us as humans to have some pretty high expectations for ourselves when trying out a new thing, but the trouble begins when we don’t meet those expectations right away. Naturally, the disappointment sets in and we feel a little discouraged. The easy thing to do would be just to quit, but that probably isn’t the best thing to do.

When you commit yourself to something, keep in mind that it also means committing yourself to being bad at it first! For example, committing yourself to being a photographer is definitely going to entail having some rough shots at the beginning, and maybe even getting frustrated with your photos. It’s rare that you’ll be incredible at something the first time around.

The solution: keep at it. Don’t be afraid to continue trying to get better at something even if it looks like it’s going to take a while. It’s not about how many times you fall, it’s about how many times you get back up.

The moment you stop being afraid to suck is the moment you get better at what you’re doing, so keep trying and keep going. Hopefully one day you’ll look back on your first shoot and realize how far you’ve come in your journey of creating beautiful, eye-capturing photos.

The next time you struggle with an aspect of photography, challenge yourself by incorporating that element more and more into your photos and tackling your weaknesses. Don’t give up!

If you want more creativity and mindset tips, make sure to check out more content from the blog here.

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