Camera Review– 5 Things I Hate About the Sony A7III

Every photographer has their likes and dislikes when it comes to equipment. In this post from The Shutter School, Joshua shares five things he hates about the Sony A7III camera.

In this video, Joshua gives his honest thoughts on what he dislikes about the Sony A7III after using it for years.

If you are looking to purchase a professional camera for your work, you know to weigh your options. Good job doing your research!

Joshua mentioned that he made the switch from Canon to Sony after finding such positive reviews about the Sony A7III camera. People were saying it was pretty much the best thing since sliced bread. But after using it for quite some time, Joshua has some critiques.

Even though Joshua originally made the switch to the Sony A7III for its size, the camera is still lacking some bulk. The small buttons and petite design make it difficult for all users to be satisfied, especially if you have average to large-size hands.

Buffer Wait Time
Let’s say you’re experimenting with some settings, trying to capture that perfect shot. You are about to take a picture in a high-action situation and you need to quickly adjust the ISO. Think again. After shooting your first photo, you then have to wait for the camera to finish buffering completely before you can adjust any further settings.

Time Syncing
You can sync Sony cameras, but only to the minute and not to the second. Joshua notes that this creates some problems for him when transferring the photos into an editing platform. If the timing is off even just a little bit on your camera, photos taken within the same span of time can end up in a completely different catalog. It then becomes a bit harder to find the exact photo you’re looking for.

Double Exposure
Double exposure is a creative tool used by many in the photography world. Some photographers use this in-camera effect to create a different and unique composition without spending all the extra time editing two photos together on the computer. The double exposure option is not available to Sony A7III users, meaning you might have to put in more hours on the computer to try and accomplish the effect manually.

The App
There are plenty of camera compatibility apps out there, for almost every brand. Welcome to the 21st century. The issue with the Sony A7III app is the deficit of features. Sony once let you control a variety of settings from your smartphone, but now the app is missing that level of congruity.

Picking and Choosing
The Sony A7III still has great features despite these imperfections, and at the end of the day, it’s all about personal preference. After hearing these opinions, it shouldn’t change the fact that you will eventually choose the camera that works the best for you!

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