2-Minute Tip — Watch For Stairs

Use stairs at a wedding venue to create a more visually interesting composition! In this 2-minute tip, Joshua shares how you can switch up your shooting approach just by using a staircase.

In today’s 2-minute tip, Joshua shares a tidbit of advice that can help you create a better composition when photographing at a wedding!

At a wedding, there are many moments that you as a photographer are going to want to capture. The bride and groom are basically expecting to be photographed all day anyway!

But what’s really important is taking those classic wedding photos, yet still managing to make the composition interesting for the viewer. You want to tell a story with your camera, and to do that, it just takes a bit of a different approach.

An added element that you can use when photographing weddings: stairs! There’s just something about a staircase that makes a composition a bit more visually intriguing. So, always be sure you’re watching out for any staircases at venues.

Whether you want to photograph your subject going up or down the stairs, see how you can work the staircase to your advantage! Play around with some angles and experiment with your shots, and you just might achieve that cool staircase composition you’re looking for.

For more 2-minute tips and nuggets of photography wisdom, visit The Shutter School blog, and subscribe to the YouTube channel.

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