2-Minute Tip — Layering the Dudes

Need inspiration when posing a big group? We've got you covered. Use this 2-minute tip when photographing multiple subjects and create some visual interest.

Joshua gives a quick word of advice on how to pose the bros!

Whether it’s gals or guys, posing your subjects can be daunting. Especially when you have a handful of people to photograph. In this 2-minute tip, Joshua gives us a nugget of wisdom to think about when posing the guys.

It’s challenging to keep the composition interesting when taking a group photo. Truthfully, there’s not much variety going on when all the groomsmen are dressed the same on wedding day. Today, we discuss the solution.

Three words: layer the dudes. Find a spot with some steps and try spacing out your subjects along this area. Placing subjects in a scattered formation and on different height levels helps in providing a little bit of depth to your composition.

The individual poses don’t have to be extravagant either, because the photo itself will create visual interest. The movement of the subjects and spatial detail will make the groomsmen look awesome on the big day. And luckily, this 2-minute tip is one size fits all!

So, next time you have a large group to capture, try out this subject staggering tip, spread the people out, and see what cool component it can add to your photo.

For more 2-minute tips, browse other blog posts here!

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