2-Minute Tip — Dancefloor Photography Tip

This 2-minute tip is all about how to get better photographs on the dance floor at a venue!

For this quick 2-minute tip, Joshua shares his secret on how to get better dancing photos at a venue!

If you want good action shots, you have got to get in there! That’s right. The best way to get dancing shots at a wedding reception, or any event, is by walking right up to where people are grooving and snapping your camera.

The only way to really capture the pure action and emotion of a moment is by putting yourself right in the middle of it.

Even if you are one who usually shies away from the commotion, it really is the best way to get a good shot of people dancing and enjoying themselves at an event. It may be intimidating at first, but it will definitely pay off once you get some awesome photographs.

For more 2-minute tips, check out the blog and make sure you subscribe to the YouTube channel!

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