2-Minute Tip – Composition Tip on Finding Backgrounds

Learn how to use what's above you for a stronger composition, and don't be afraid to look up!

In this 2-minute tip, Joshua goes over how you can look up and find a background.

If all else fails, look up! In this 2-minute tip, we learn that sometimes it’s not about what’s around you, but instead, it’s what’s above you.

A tip to create a change in scenery and/or perspective in photography is sometimes as simple as looking upwards. If there’s a colored ceiling or interesting detail above you, utilize it, because it might just be the key to a stronger composition for your couple while adding an intriguing element to the frame.

If you do decide to take the picture from a downward angle to create a more unique composition, be sure that you have the couple pose appropriately, otherwise you’ll just be photographing their nostrils. It’s best to have them lean towards the camera—which might feel a bit awkward for them—but don’t worry! The silly posing will just make them laugh and the photo will look more candid and genuine.

Be sure to use your best judgment when using what’s above you for your composition, keep the background captivating yet not distracting, and of course make sure the couple loves it too.

For more photography tips, read through The Shutter School blog, and click here for more 2-minute tips.

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