2 Minute Tip – Composition – Open the Door

In this 2 minute tip, you’ll learn how to use doors in photography to create a more interesting composition.

A composition tip for this week’s 2 minute tip and how to use doors for more interesting photos.

With this photography tutorial, not only will you be opening physical doors to create this photography effect, but you will literally open the door to people’s hearts.

To create a “looking in” effect, all you need is your subject(s), and a doorway. If you have access on site to some interesting colorful doors, it can make your composition appear more authentic and genuine. Using this compositional frame when taking pictures allows you to create a candid look for the couple and creates visual interest for the viewer.

Say that your subject(s) want a unique portrait for their occasion, using the door effect will create an exciting composition and utilizing this switch in angle and composition can lead to some really beautiful and enticing shots.

In case you missed the last 2 minute tip, you can find it on The Shutter School YouTube channel or right here on the blog.

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